
It is important to have access to hearing tests at any age but it is especially important during the developmental stages in childhood. Having issues with hearing at an early age can impact a child’s communicative development so it is best to get their hearing checked out as soon as possible.

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Here at Hearing Matters, we understand how daunting and worrying it can be if you think your child’s hearing needs to be tested and so our experienced team will explain at each stage what we’re doing. We offer a wide range of different paediatric hearing tests from aged 3 and up. Each of these tests measure a different aspect of hearing and depending on the age of the child, the test conducted will be different. We provide the following paediatric hearing tests in our Ashton-under-Lyne clinic:

In this test, sounds are played through headphones or speakers and your child is asked to perform a small task such as putting a shape in a hole, based on their response to the sound. The sounds played during the test vary in frequency and volume, this test is designed to determine what the quietest sound your child can hear.

Very similar to an adult hearing test, a pure tone audiometry test plays sounds through headphones and requires the child to press a button when they hear sound. During the test, we measure the air conduction threshold of the ears through the headphones, as well as bone conduction via a device placed behind the ears.

Tympanometry is a test that is used to assess the working function of the middle ear and the mobility of the eardrum. This test is done by placing a small earphone like probe into the entrance of the ear where a small vacuum is created in the canal with the pressure being adjusted periodically. Sounds are then played into the ear canal which allows us to test the movements and reactions of the eardrum.

Book an appointment

If you believe that your child might be having issues with their hearing, then book an appointment with us today by calling 0800 852 7171.

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