Online hearing test
For many, hearing loss is gradual and often goes unnoticed. Our brief online test takes just minutes to help you assess any potential hearing loss. Click below to evaluate how everyday situations affect your hearing, and we can then offer an in depth hearing assessment at one of our clinics. |
Take our online hearing test today
Question 1
Do you turn the TV up louder than you used to or louder than other people would have it in the house?
Question 2
Do you find it difficult to follow conversation in background noise?
Question 3
Do you have to ask friends or family to repeat themselves?
Question 4
Have you ever misheard or misunderstood someone?
Question 5
Do you sometimes miss softer high frequency sounds, for example bird song?
Question 6
Have you ever worked in a noisy environment or been exposed to excessively loud music?
Your responses indicate that you are not hearing as well as you used to or as well as you would like. Your Hearing Matters Audiologist can provide you with a thorough examination of your ears and a complete assessment of how well you hear at a range of different frequencies. They will then be able to advise you what to do next.
Book your consultation today
Based on your responses you manage everyday listening situations well. If you notice any changes in your hearing or start to have difficulty in everyday listening situations, please contact Hearing Matters for a free hearing assessment.