Hearing test
What can you expect from your first hearing health assessment?
Upon arrival, one of our friendly front of house team will welcome you whilst you wait for your Audiologist. We understand that your first hearing test can make you feel apprehensive, but our team excels in making a comforting environment for all our patients, regardless of whether it’s your first appointment or fifth.
The first step of any hearing health assessment is getting an understanding of what your hearing is like. Your Audiologist will go through a set of questions that will allow them to paint a better picture of what your hearing experiences are like and how they affect you. They will also ask some questions about your general health and well-being.
Next, your expert Audiologist will conduct a series of tests to assess your hearing ability. This involves playing different sounds of various volumes and frequencies to you through headphones to determine your hearing range.
With the evaluation complete, the Audiologist will now have a full picture of your hearing ability and will then discuss any required next steps.
At Hearing Matters, we understand that making life changing choices can be difficult, that’s why our Audiologists will take their time to go through the various options available to you depending on what your needs are. They will explain the results of your assessment, how they impact you and what that means for your hearing. If your results show that you might benefit from hearing aids, your Audiologist will talk you through some of the options that suit your hearing needs including the types of hearing aid and general advice about living with them.
Our expert Audiologists will take the time to find the perfect solution for you, because we know there is no such thing as a ‘one size fits all’ solution where your hearing is concerned.
If we feel that you might need to get additional input from another healthcare provider such as a GP or an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) consultant, we will help you arrange an appointment with them and provide you with appropriate information to help you better understand.
Book your consultation today
If you would like to book a hearing assessment with one of our clinical Audiologists, please call us on
0800 852 7171 or by clicking the link below.